Etnamusa Festival
Etnamusa is a multidisciplinary festival born in 2019. The Festival is promoted by the Azienda Agricola Musa , located on the slopes of Etna precisely in Bronte, in the Difesa-Musa district. Etnamusa was born because the "Muse" is inspired by the energy that exists in the underworld of Etna as well as, by the struggle that is in each of us: the Muse is nothing but the expression of the inner magma that lives within us and finds expressions in ideas, sounds, music, art, images, words, emotions, feelings . In short, everything that flows in the daily becoming of the life of each of us. The Etnamusa Festival during the summer months will offer workshops, artist residences, workshops, musical and theatrical performances, film reviews, book presentations, meetings with writers and excursions .